Sign and Digital Graphics

Sign and Digital Graphics—the most widely read, trusted source of accurate information for professional sign and commercial graphics businesses—offers in-depth coverage over the full spectrum of skill sets, technologies, products, markets and trends that make up the business of visual communications.
SDG provides in-depth features, and columns from knowledgeable industry professionals who provide no-nonsense coverage that shop owners count on to stay current in a constantly evolving field. From dimensional signage to printed murals and signs; from LED monument signs to vehicle wraps; from channel letters to digital signage—we cover the gamut. You can subscribe here and view the Coastal Enterprises page on their website.
Precision Board HDU has been featured in the pages of Sign and Digital Graphics:
Featured Project: A Landmark Sign That Lives Up to its Namesake
Featured Project: Hitting it out of the Park
Featured Project: Architectural Ceiling Design
Featured Project: Steampunk Design Elements
Featured Project: The Blending of Past and Present
Unique CNC Router Applications
Featured Project: Brewing Up a 3D Coffee House Sign
Featured Project: Mailbox Post Sign
Putting the glass in Gramma’s Bloomers
AXYZ Announces Six CNC Router Expo Events
Featured Project: Precision Board HDU at Core of New Church Sign
Coastal Enterprises Hires Marketing Associate
Local Saloon Gets a Custom Western Look
Sign and Digital Graphics Portfolio Contest 2010