ISA is almost here…

We all know that Dan Sawatzky is a talented man that loves his Multicam CNC, Enroute software and Precision Board Plus PBLT-30.

But this time, he took a different approach to a sculpture he made for our booth which will be displayed at the ISA show April 9th, 10th and 11th.


Dan told us that he dug around in his Precision Board “stash” and found a solid piece of PBLT-40 (what… not PBLT-30?!) “It begged to be a Tiki. So I obliged.” He not only used a different density than what he favors, but he also carved this 5″ x 5″ x 22″ sculpture by hand. Watch it come to life on Dan’s blog.

Kellie's tiki

When visiting ISA 2015 next month, stop by and see us at booth #5971.

Want to see Dan? He’ll be at booth # 712 with Multicam. Stay for a while to watch his presentation as PBLT-30 is happily being routed.

Don’t forget your free ISA passes!



HDU Vs. Wood Signs

Why are HDU signs more popular than wood signs? Wooden signs often fall victim to moisture intrusion, which will then cause the sign to swell and the paint to crack. A wooden sign requires much more maintenance, commonly requiring yearly repainting to keep it looking fresh. HDU is also much more readily available, and being a certified green material, it is also an eco-friendly choice.

HDU signs last so much longer because high density urethane is made up of millions of tiny cells, which are not interconnected, which means moisture can never get in. This is the reason why Coastal Enterprises offers a “Life of the Sign” warranty, against your sign warping, cracking rotting or splitting. When your HDU sign is painted, it will look just like wood and last much longer.

We often hear from people that they’ll never forget the first time they tried hand-carving with HDU, and how it was immediately clear that it was the perfect hand carving material. The consistency and various densities allow you to truly fine tune your hand-carved project specifically to your individual needs.

As mentioned in our FAQ section, any woodworking tool can cut Precision Board Plus. Rasps, dremels, and craft drills are all great tools to use for shaping. Standard wood carving tools work great, and in cases where extreme detail is desired, dental tools also work well. You can find a nice selection of carving tools here.

An interesting article in Sign Builder Illustrated, written by Mark Roberts, details the process he used to incorporate some hand carved Precision Board Plus HDU into an aluminum sign for a park. Check out the full article on page 18 here, and learn what his “secret weapons” are for hand-carving Precision Board Plus HDU!

If you have any questions, we offer free technical support and samples and can be reached at: (800) 845-0745.