Outside progress at the pub

Each day we do our best to cross another job off the list. For the longest while it seemed the list of projects ahead of us at the Fox & Hounds was much longer than the finished ones. But as we walk through the project now it is coming together. It will be an incredible body of work when we are done.
Today the weather was perfect to do a large sculpted concrete out front. The unseasonable heat wave we have been experiencing is now gone. Annie mixed for me today and I slopped on the mud and when it had set enough I started in on the brickwork. We finished with time to spare, allowing for a thorough cleanup which always makes the job look better.
Tomorrow will be a shop day and by the end of the week we hope to be finished all of the sculpted concrete handrails outside at last. Then it is down to paint. 
The contractor has finished the plasterwork and the tudor trim. It is looking pretty welcoming already. Up top the blank area will soon be home to a new dimensional sign which is underway in the shop.

Published with permission from precisionboard.blogspot.com. Source.

Production in spite of me

Yesterday was one of those days when almost nothing went right. Tools broke and had to be replaced, pieces were missing and had to be fabricated, and I simply got things wrong. Not much headway was made through the day in the shop. We all have days like that from time to time. At least the weather was perfect for those drives to town. I tried my best to whistle while I worked.
The good news however was in the router room the router kept chugging away doing things right. The file was massive, the detail was tight and the file ran a long time but it ran flawlessly. While I was frustrated in the shop and running back and forth to town the machine kept working, and working and working. It worked through the night while I caught up on my sleep. This morning when I came out to the shop it was done, perfectly. I had no worries. This is what I love about my MultiCam. Even the tools were put back in their holders. It doesn’t get better than that.
The file was one I created in EnRoute last week. Since I posted the mantle project here I changed things up a little and added a few more pieces for the bottom and top of the mantle. It now covered a full 4×8′ sheet of 1″ thick 30 lb Precision Board, wasting little material. Tomorrow we’ll glue the pieces into place and then build the rest of the new fireplace front around it. 
Stay tuned for pictures of the progress…

Published with permission from precisionboard.blogspot.com. Source.