Making Magic at the 2017 Sign Invitational

First place entry for 2017 Sign InvitationalSign Builder Illustrated wrote up a fantastic article about the 2017 Sign Invitational, including information on next year’s show.  The magazine spoke to the top three winners about how they came up with their designs and the methods and materials they used to achieve the finished product.

Dan Sawatzky from Imagination Corporation took first place with his entry “Magic Train”.  Here’s an excerpt of how he came up with the idea for his submission, based on his early work in the industry painting historical murals.

Many of these murals featured Sawatzky’s favorite subject—steam trains. “I thought it would be fun to have a sign painter painting a mural with the steam train busting through the billboard,” he says, noting that the sign painter featured in the bosun’s chair was inspired by a painting by one of his favorite artists, Norman Rockwell.

Frames were built from plasma-cut and welded steel. The train was routed out of thirty-pound Precision Board HDU (PBLT-30) using a MultiCam CNC. All the paints and glazes were hand-brushed acrylic.

Coastal Enterprises was proud to be one of the sponsors of the 2017 Sign Invitational, held in Las Vegas, Nevada during the ISA International Sign Expo in April.  This was the second year of the Invitational and the theme was “Magic”.

We encourage you to participate in next year’s event and show off your creativity and craftsmanship.  The 2018 Sign Invitational will be held in Orlando, Florida in March and the theme will be “Marvelous Machine”.  The primary mission of the event is to foster involvement and creativity in the sign industry, partially through these yearly competitions.  You can submit portfolio pieces here to be considered before invites are sent in August.  25 competitors will be selected to compete.

Check out the entire article on the  Sign Builder Illustrated website.

ISA Sign Expo 2015 is here!

Staying busy at the ISA Sign Expo 2015.

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One of the largest ISA shows to date, estimating an astonishing total of 20,000+ people this year.

Only one day left to attend! Don’t miss your chance to stop by and see us over at Booth #5971.


ISA 2013 Recap

ISA 2013 saw a huge turnout. With so many exhibitors and attendees, people really had a great chance to network with old friends and meet new ones.

One of the highlights was the release of our new Precision Board Plus PBST-15 HDU. Faster and easier to prime and paint, PBST is a sure step forward in the next generation of sign substrates.

Click here if you didn’t make it to this year’s show and would like a free sample of Precision Board Plus PBST-15. We’re looking forward to your feedback and helping you make the best signs you’ve ever made.

Unnamed.2Booth #5236

IMG_1163Made by Dan Sawatzky of Imagination Corporation

UnnamedMade by Roger Cox of House of Signs

IMG951165Made by Enrique Valenzuela of Art Sign Works 

IMG951162Waiting for the doors to open at the 2013 Sign Expo!