Bailey’s Project: Day 7 – part 2

Things are heating up!

Brian and Greg are completing final assembly of the sign and working out all of the details of installation.  Wow – what a paint job! Brian has outdone himself on this – amazing! We are ready for install on Sunday. 012

John is on location with the bucket truck installing the 3″ thick steel sign bracket.007


Published with permission from KDF Custom Graphics. Source.

Bailey’s Project: Day 7 – part 1

OK Its Friday – we are installing on Sunday – St. Patrick’s Day is Monday. Hmm. Pressure is on!!!!!!

Brian has been in the paint shop for days – not sure if he’s seen daylight.  But it’s payin’ off! After all the priming Brian started mixing the paints and spraying. Time is running out but we’re almost there. We have a crew out today installing the bracket on the building so Sunday we can focus on transporting and hanging this 200lb baby.

The colors are amazing and the finish is incredible. We 3D cut the face of the ribbons and left the accent lines of the font on the ribbon.  This way it would create a dramatic depth when the letters get placed in. Brian hand painted the gold details and the filigree.

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The main body of the sign is painted and its time to attach the front face pieces and the grill.  IMG_3434

The LED’s are inserted and it comes alive!


Published with permission from KDF Custom Graphics. Source.

Bailey’s Project: Day 6

All fabrication is done – the sign has been disassembled and it’s time to prime.  Only a few days left to get this baby hanging!

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The sign bracket has been welded up and Brian has a coat of primer on it already.


Published with permission from KDF Custom Graphics. Source.

Bailey’s Project: Day 5


We’ve had several project deadlines over the last few days so it’s been a little hectic here.  But we’re moving along with the Bailey’s Project – fingers crossed for St. Paddy’s Day! Now that he has all the elements of the sign Brian is completing the assembly and sculpting – there will be a lot of sanding.

Once complete he’ll register all the parts and pin them then disassemble. Reassembly after painting will be smooth having all of the pins in place.

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To add texture to the sign quickly Brian is using a die grinder. What a great tool!

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Published with permission from KDF Custom Graphics. Source.