Fishing boat relief – Part two

To create the cab of the little boat I first created two zero height reliefs.
I opted to create meshes and then merge them to the relief, rather than modify the reliefs with the revolve tool. Either procedure would have worked in this case. I generally use this method as it allows me more freedom to adjust the height of things before locking it down by merging it with the relief.
The mesh shows red when selected, green when not. I was mostly happy with the result but decided it needed stretching both vertically and even more horizontally. I checked various views to make sure it was how I desired.
Once adjusted I selected the zero height relief and the mesh cylinder and merged highest using the appropriate tool.

When things are working properly the relief looks blotchy with the mesh still in place.

I was happy so I deleted the mesh.

I then used the second zero height relief to effectively clip the back of the fishing boat cab by merging lowest. The cab looked a little narrow so I stretched it towards the back of the boat and then nudged it forward until I was happy.

I then used the slice command to take off the zero height relief.

I was happy with the little boat at this stage and it was ready to tool path and send to the MultiCam except for the fact that it was four inches thick and our Precision Board was only two inches thick.
The solution was to use the slice tool once more to create two slices.

After the slice tool is used the top relief shows up.  This is on a different plane than the lower slice. The original relief is still in place and needs to be moved to the side.

Before routing I need to duplicate the two layers of hull and then flip them to form the other side of the boat.

Published with permission from Source.

Creating a fishing boat relief

I built this little fishing boart quite some time ago but decided to revisit it when I was recently teaching a workshop. It’s a complex but not too difficult a build which is fascinating. The first time I built these reliefs I was pretty new to EnRoute and the MultiCam. That gave me an appreciation for the feelings I knew my students would have.
The little boat would later be incorporated into a sign sample which still hangs proudly on our shop.
As with all EnRoute files it started with vectors. I drew them all out in the program. The large egg shape was not part of the ship but would be used as a mask to define the rounded hull shape.
I started with the hull of the little boat by creating a flat relief that was 0.2″ tall.
I then built the upper trim rails as separate reliefs that were 0.35″ tall. 
Because the rail reliefs poked out beyond the hull relief I could then select them and the hull and combine them together. Next up was the tire that west coast fishermen tie to the side of their boat to protect the woodwork when they come in to the dock. This was built as a domed relief with a base of 0.5″
This tire shaped relief was then MERGED HIGHEST with the boat hull.

Then came the magic part. We used the giant egg shape as a mask to define the dome shape of the hull. It worked perfectly as I had remembered.
I checked the bottom and front view to be sure, but things looked pretty good already.
Next up was the keel and rudder of the boat. These were done as flat reliefs 0.2″ thick.
The propeller shaft and rudder straps were created as separate 0.35″ high flat reliefs.
These reliefs were then combined with the keep and rudder reliefs.

Next up were the tackle boxes on the front and rear decks of the little ship. These were created as 1″ tall flat reliefs.

The lids were created as separate flat reliefs that were 1.2″ tall.

The respective and box were selected as pairs and then combined. I then selected the hull of the ship, the tackle boxed and combined them to form one relief.

Next time we get to creating the files for the cab of the fishing boat using the revolve tool. Stay tuned…

Published with permission from Source.