Drilling for an Eye-bolt

Drilling holes in Precision Board has many similarities to wood. However, there are some differences that should be noted. This blog will feature step one of two for hanging a sign using an eye-bolt. Here is a step-by-step picture and video guide to show you how to drill a proper hole in Precision Board to hang from an eye-bolt.

  1. Measure the eye-bolt.


  1. Mark the spade drill bit for the length of your eye-bolt, PLUS ¼ of an inch.


  1. Mark the drill bit for a stopping point reference.


  1. Measure and mark equidistant cross hatches for accurate drilling points.

IMG_1114 IMG_1116


  1. Drill into the Precision Board ensuring your drill is straight and accurate down to the mark on your drill bit.

IMG_1119 IMG_1121



  1. Clear away chips and enjoy your finished product!

IMG_1124 IMG_1126

Stay tuned next week to find out how to insert the eye-bolt using our two-part epoxy.

To learn more about Precision Board’s strength, check out the testing completed by West System epoxy.

Texturing Made Easy: TSF-45

Creating a wood texture finish, cross-hatching for an extra dynamic dimension, or achieving the perfect stucco effect can be made easy with TSF-45. This tough yet flexible coating has been made specifically to create a variety of texture finishes on Precision Board, but can also be used on wood, concrete, steel, glass, and even galvanized metal.

The great thing about TSF-45 is that it adheres directly to Precision Board with no priming. This process speeds up production time – which saves over all time and money. Here is a step-by-step guide on the basics of using TSF-45 on Precision Board Plus.

  1. Open your can of TSF-45 and notice the viscosity of the product. It has a thick consistency and, once applied, will hold its shape and not slump.

viscosity1 viscosity2


texture like frosting

  1. Be sure to apply an ample amount of TSF-45 onto your Precision Board surface. Apply enough for a wetout of the areas you will be covering and to ensure you have enough to create your desired texture.

spreading1 spreading2



  1. Once you’ve achieved a full wetout and have enough TSF-45 to create your texture, begin to mold, stipple, brush, comb, etc. the product.

addingmore1 addingmore2

  1. Once you have your texture designed, leave to dry over night. Use a shop fan blowing across the surface to help speed upt he drying time and to make sure the entire product is cured. You’ll know the product is dry when the thickest part that was applied is no longer soft.

textureoption wetout1

shortbrush finish

Please call us if you have any questions. We work with our products a lot and our technical department will gladly assist you. To request a sample pint of TSF-45, click here!

Request a sample size and we'll send you a pint!

Request a sample size and we’ll send you a pint!

For more information, check out our youtube videos, tips and features, and our Product Data Sheet.

**Be sure to stay tubed for the next blog on finishing the TSF-45 on Precision Board.

Machining tips and more!

-A message from Chuck Miller, CEO of Coastal Enterprises

“Over the years Coastal Enterprises has continually worked to improve Precision Board to meet the changing market needs and requirements. In the last few years change has come even faster to designs and tooling applications, which have required projects to be more sophisticated and complex. We have created a harder, stronger, tougher, and tighter celled Precision Board by upgrading our process methods. It’s still the same great Precision Board, just better.”

We didn’t change the formulation of Precision Board; we modified the process to make a higher quality product. One of the main goals for this process was to reduce the dust produced while machining. By increasing the capacity of the chip load, Precision Board machines cleaner and quicker than ever before.

Some of you might be wondering, “What is a ‘chip load’?” The chip load can be defined as the thickness of the chip that is produced while routing. It’s important to know this to keep the heat inside the chip and not on the tool. If you calculate the proper chip load, you’ll have a longer lifespan for your cutting tools as well as greatly decrease the heat transfer onto your routed piece. Check out our Speeds and Feeds data sheet for setting references.

IMG_1081   IMG_1077


Don’t take our word for it – see for yourself! Click here, or give us a call, and we will send you a sample. We are excited to show you what we have to offer.

IMG_1078  Click here to watch a video of Precision Board being machined.



6 World Speed Records to be Broken!

Get over to sunny Moriarty, New Mexico for the “Thunder Over Moriarty!” This world record-breaking event will feature Nemesis Air Racing presenting the NemesisNXT (Bottom picture) on September 21st through October 3rd.

Located just 35 miles east of Albuquerque, NM, Jon and Patricia Sharp, with the Nemesis Air Racing team, will assault 3 different speed distances in two different weight categories; 3km, 15km, and 100km in length. Flown just 200 feet above the ground, the 3km will be 4 passes with the plane in your face, but don’t blink, cause the NemesisNXT will be gone if you do!

That’s a total of 6 records! With the NemesisNXT clocked at the Reno Air Races at speeds well into 400 MPH, this should be a breeze. Check out this great video to learn more about the NemesisNXT:

Coastal Enterprises manufactured the Precision Board used for layup tooling in the original Nemesis and the NemesisNXT, and since our involvement began, we have been huge fans of both Jon and Patricia.

To the whole NemesisNXT Racing Team: Good luck and break those records!

The Nemesis Litho 1998

The Nemesis Litho 1998

Nemesis NXT 2005

Nemesis NXT 2005

Giving Life to Precision Board

Every year the next generation continues to impress us. After receiving the donated Precision Board Plus from Coastal Enterprises Company, these select creative minds brought life to what was once a block of urethane. Using PBLT hand in hand with 3D Printers, Paper Laser Cutters and CNC Milling machines, the students at Carleton University in Ottawa are working with cutting edge technology. They are incorporating materials and machinery to create amazing works of art.


PBLT 15 & PBLT 18, along with 3D printing, shows the intricate detail in the ‘Reef Project’


PB Bond-240 (one part Urethane adhesive) being applied to bond sheets of Precision Board, to achieve desired thickness for this project.   Next step: CNC machining!


Brant Lucuik, a professional CNC technician, helped the students learn about and use the CNC machine to carve the Precision Board.  There was a combination of densities used for this project. The students used PBLT-10 up to PBLT-20, though PBLT-15 and PBLT-18 were the norm. Everyone was pleased with how easy Precision Board was to work with, “It sands and mills beautifully and I would use it exclusively if I could” said Johan Voordouw, Professor of 2nd year Modeling and responsible for the reef project.


The students at Carleton used several 3D printers from around campus in conjunction with the Precision Board to create this reef scene. Most of the 3D printers used were “smaller makerbots” to create the coral reef shapes. Superglue was used to bond the 3D art to CNC carved Precision Board.




Precision Board in conjunction with 3d printing make ideas become reality. For more information regarding these projects, contact Professor Johan at Carleton University. For any more information about a potential CNC project, contact Brant at Carleton University. To find out more about Carleton University, Click Here!
