HDU Bonding – Custom Bonding Services
During our more than 51 years of manufacturing HDU, we’ve learned a thing or two about bonding Precision Board. Not only have we perfected the formulation of three specially designed adhesive products to assist you with your unique bonding needs: (PB Fast Set, PB Bond 240 and PB EP-76), but we’ve also developed the techniques to achieve virtually seamless bond lines.
HDU Bonding Perfected
We have perfected the technique of producing very tight bond lines with HDU. Our bonds are strong and virtually invisible, ensuring the integrity of your final machined part.
Leave the bonding to us, save time.
Many clients choose our custom bonding service to reduce production time. Letting us bond your HDU project allows you to focus on the machining and final shaping.
- Reduce in-house production time.
- Purchase less material.
- Begin machining immediately on Precision Board arrival.
- Reduce machining time, cutting time and waste removal
Custom HDU Bonding, Fast!
Our large inventory of fully cured HDU blocks allows us to get your custom bonding project out the door fast! Large and small jobs are our specialty.
Request A Quote On Your Custom HDU Bonding Job
Click here to request a quote on your Custom HDU Bonding Job. If you require immediate assistance, please call Coastal Enterprises toll free at 1-800-845-0745.