With the next Sign Magic Workshop quickly approaching (September 30 – October 2) it is time to start in on the name tags we create for our guests. I started with a sketch, as always. I designed in a hurry, ideas flow better that way, and scribbled down my ideas, moving on to the next as soon as I had it nailed. The details would come later.
The vectors were quick and easy… nothing hard here.
The relief was a simple oval, modified with a raised oval.
To create the texture I perused my TEXTURE MAGIC collection and selected one I like… spaghetti. I enlarged it enough to make sure the 1/8″ ball nose bit to fit in everywhere. This was then applied to the relief.
The lettering border was made into a relief which was then modified with the oval to shape it to the same dome shape as the background relief. This was then merged (highest to the relief.
Then I applied the lettering.
When I created the bowl for routing the relief I took notice of the cool effect that happened when I created a separate 3/4″ thick relief. I decided I loved it. The spaghetti faded out on the edges and looked a lot like spaghetti on a plate.So I created a new oval slightly larger than the original relief. I used the limit height command to chamfer the edges.
This was merged highest with the original relief, completing the file.
Published with permission from precisionboard.blogspot.com. Source.