First Sculpture MAGIC Workshop

As I am gathering and sorting material for my presentations at this weeks Sculpture MAGIC Workshop it became clear to me just how much sculpture we include in our projects. I didn’t have to look very far for material. Pretty much every project we do includes dimension and sculpture in some fashion.
We have ten eager folks (class limit) coming from across Canada and the USA. All are eager to learn all we can show them of how we create our dimensional signs, projects and sculptures. 
We have plenty of interesting projects lined up for our students. We’ll tour some of our past projects, study exactly how they came together. It is my hope that we spark a whole lot of passion for others to do the same with their signs. I would love for these folks to have as much fun working as I do each day.
In the last while we’ve routed some prefabricated pieces that will form the building blocks for the sculptures. The easels, tools and materials our students need are at the ready.  Our attendees are excitedly waiting – as am I.

Published with permission from Source.