Mighty Moose

As well as the work we are doing on the house we are keeping busy in the shop on customer projects as well. A recent addition to the list of upcoming projects looks to be a fun one!

A friend of mine owns a small ice-cream parlor on a very busy street… actually less than a block from our place. The traffic is already there – all we had to do was stop it.the name of the business is Mighty Moose Ice Cream. The owner had designed their own logo but decided it was time to ramp things up a little. At first I thought of the sign we had done for the Moose Mountain Adventure Golf at Mall of America a number of years ago. We thought we might hang a double sided version of this sign on a post.
Then we had second thoughts. Why not build a traffic stopper. I started sketching and in a short time had just the idea.
The dramatic sign will use a wide variety of techniques including welded steel, sculpted concrete and epoxy and of course some routed Precision Board for the sign.
Stay tuned as this sign starts to come together in the next few weeks.

Published with permission from precisionboard.blogspot.com. Source.