Signs on The Coast! Cannery Row Gets A New HDU Sign

Located on the central coast of California, Monterey is known for its beautiful landscape, breathtaking ocean views, and seasonal cold and wet weather. Luckily for business owners everywhere, Sign Works specializes in high quality signs made with Precision Board Plus HDU that can withstand the resident sea air .

Owned by Tom Carr since 2010, Sign Works is a full service sign company able to build any sign the customer needs. Tom is a big fan of Precision Board Plus because it sandblasts and routs easily and he won’t have to worry about water intrusion or bugs. In a recent job, Sign Works built several signs for a local movie theater, Cinemark, on the historic “Cannery Row” in Monterey. Because the previous sign shop contracted for the job cancelled at the last minute, they had only one week to complete the signs on time. Using a 6″ 5′ x 10′ sheet of Precision Board Plus PBLT-15, they routed it and put on 2″ letters and 5″ scallops, backed it with plywood and were able to finish the job in time.

Tom Carr has been involved in the signage industry since 1988. He graduated from UCLA with a degree in design and went on to work for several different sign shops before purchasing Sign Works. You can see him flexing his muscles alongside the smiling employees at Sign Works in this picture!

Here are some more of the impressive Precision Board Plus signs produced by Sign Works:

Routed PBLT-15 with Gold Leaf.

Background is sandblasted wood, and the letters are acrylic with the shield being Precision Board Plus.

Routed and sandblasted wood with routed Precision Board Plus HDU for the emblem.

Sandblasted Precision Board Plus sign for a private residence