Lock it up

One of the early signs I did just after getting my router was a giant padlock for the lockers at a mini golf at Mall of America.The sign was to mount to a wall.  I decided to weld the bracket right into the interior structure. The padlock shackle was a 2″ pipe bent into a ‘U’. It would be plenty strong to be sure. The sign faces were routed in layers from 30 lb Precision Board. I then glued them up with the steel frame in the middle using .

Once the layers were all glued up it was time for paint.
I added a little extra texture with the heavy bodied primer from Coastal Enterprises. Once the base coats were done I added a layer of glaze to age it down a little. I decided I liked it so much I made a second one as a display piece in my studio.


Published with permission from precisionboard.blogspot.com. Source.