Back on the bike

After more than two months out of the studio and away from the router I was back at my desk and programing some files and turned on the MultiCam once more. I quickly found out I was a little rusty with both the program and the machine.

EnRoute is a wonderful program that isn’t too difficult but like many things technical it requires that one does things in a certain order, paying attention the whole way through. As usual there were lots of things going on out in the studio and out in the yard as well. I found that with my being out of practice it till a few tries to get things right.

The point I am trying to make is that the complex files I love to play with takes practice and regular use to accomplish with ease.

I have no doubt that after creating a few more files in the next days I’ll have no problem designing and routing anything I can imagine. It’s like riding a bike I suppose. A few more laps and I’ll be up to first speed once more.


Published with permission from Source.