
Firs trim installed

The new house is coming along great! The roof sheeting is a couple of days from completion. While the carpenters were busy on the roof we were busy on the ground floor welding up the framework for the trees and then attaching the lath for the plasterwork to follow. At long last we are now ready to begin icing the cake

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Cut, cut, cut

It isn’t often in our shop that we use our router as a jigsaw or cut plywood rather than Precision Board, but when we do it churns out a mountain of parts in a hurry. Today we were cutting curved headers, eyebrows and beams. We whipped through a pallet of 3/4 plywood in no time

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Lift day

As part of the beam project I thought folks might find the lifting process interesting – its an important and critical part of the process. Including this part will help readers se just how everything fits together

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