Dan Sawatzky’s Blog

Christmas came early!

It was with great anticipation and delight I directed the big semi up our long driveway to where we would unload the new MultiCam. While I chased down and printed out the necessary papers to send off the old router the driver unchained and untarped the load. The machine was shrink wrapped in white plastic as I knew it would be.

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Eye candy at last!

As we finish painting the sections of walls, one by one, we get to start hanging the eye candy that has been in progress in the studio since the beginning of the project. It is with great delight I work with the owners to hang each piece perfectly

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Safety first

I used hemp rope through an antique pulley to hang the barrel sign. I frayed and knotted the rope appropriately. While the sign was plenty secure I decided it needed a little more – just to be on the safe side

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